
Calls for Submissions

Currently,three anthology projects are open for submissions, Hero’s Best Friend, with editor Scott Sandridge, A Chimerical World: Tales of the Seelie Court/Tales of the Unseelie Court, also with editor Scott Sandridge, and Fires of Liberty, with editors David J. Guyton and Stephen Zimmer.   Full information on the projects are below:


A Chimerical World: Tales of the Seelie Court/Tales of the Unseelie Court

A Speculative Fiction Anthology from Seventh Star Press

Edited by Scott Sandridge

From Scott:

“Bring out the Fey! Stories about the Sidhe? Sprites? Pixies? Boggans
and Goblins? How about those Gnomes?

Looking for fictional stories involving the Fey Folk, both Seelie and
Unseelie. From the campy to the deep and esoterical, from traditional
faeries to the not-so-traditional (changeling kangaroos, anyone?),
Western to Eastern, heck even Martian!

Fantasy is obviously expected but all spec-fic genres welcome. Got a
SF story about a Space Leprechaun invasion of Earth? Send it!
Slipstream? Go for it! A slasher involving psychopathic trolls with
chainsaws and a fetish for wearing human skin? Ehhh….aw heck, why

The anthology will be done in flipbook format, with stories about
Seelie faeries on one side and Unseelie faeries on the other. Planning for an even mix of Seelie and Unseelie stories, roughly 11 per side.

Guidelines: 10,000 words maximum/2,000 words minimum. Blood and gore
only if it fits the story, same goes for sex.

Submissions via email to scott (at)

RTF and DOC. formats only, Courier or Times New Roman, 12pt. font (in
other words, make sure it’s readable!)

The subject of your email should have your name, title of your story,
and either Seelie or Unseelie to denote which side of the flipbook
your story is for. Not sure of which court your story would belong in? Wikipedia is your friend:

Since, technically, this is almost like two anthologies, you can send
a story for each side (one Seelie story and one Unseelie story). Send
each one seperately, following the above guidelines. Note, however,
that only one story total per author can be accepted.”

Guidelines: 10,000 words max/2,000 words minimum.

Submissions via email to scott (at)

RTF and DOC. formats only, Courier or Times New Roman, 12pt. font–in
other words, make sure it’s readable!

Deadline: July 15, 2013.

Please feel free to email with any questions.

The anthology is planned for release in print and eBook formats in the late Fall of 2013. A royalty pool will be generated on print and eBook sales, with the royalty pool divided equally among the contributors and editors. Royalties for print are 10% of gross receipts received by SSP on sales retail and wholesale up to 1,000 copies, with an increase to 12 1/2% for every copy thereafter. eBook royalties are set at 50% of gross receipts received by SSP for sales of the digital version. Royalty statements and payments will be made bi-annually. All contributors will receive a complimentary trade paperback copy of the anthology.

The agreement on accepted stories will be for first print and digital rights, with exclusivity for one year from date of publication. After this time, authors are free to re-sell their stories in other markets. The stories need to be original works, and no previously published characters or properties belonging to anyone other than the submitting author will be accepted.



Hero’s Best Friend: An Anthology of Animal Companions

A Speculative Fiction Anthology from Seventh Star Press

Edited by Scott Sandridge

From Scott:

“Where would Gandalf be without Shadowfax, or Mad Max without his dog, or the Beastmaster without his beastly buddies? This anthology is all about the furries and scalies who help insure that the hero can succeed in his or her quest.

The stories for this anthology will focus more on the animal companions than the heroes they help, preferably done from the animals’ perspective. And no, it doesn’t have to be only 1st person POV, either (see? I KNEW you were going to ask that). Fantasy and Sword & Sorcery expected, but all genres are welcome.

So send me your stories and show these animal companions the respect
they deserve!”

Guidelines: 10,000 words max/2,000 words minimum.

Submissions via email to scott (at)

RTF and DOC. formats only, Courier or Times New Roman, 12pt. font–in
other words, make sure it’s readable!

Deadline: June 30, 2013.

Please feel free to email with any questions.

The anthology is planned for release in print and eBook formats in the late Fall of 2013. A royalty pool will be generated on print and eBook sales, with the royalty pool divided equally among the contributors and editors. Royalties for print are 10% of gross receipts received by SSP on sales retail and wholesale up to 1,000 copies, with an increase to 12 1/2% for every copy thereafter. eBook royalties are set at 50% of gross receipts received by SSP for sales of the digital version. Royalty statements and payments will be made bi-annually. All contributors will receive a complimentary trade paperback copy of the anthology.

The agreement on accepted stories will be for first print and digital rights, with exclusivity for one year from date of publication. After this time, authors are free to re-sell their stories in other markets. The stories need to be original works, and no previously published characters or properties belonging to anyone other than the submitting author will be accepted.


Fires of Liberty (Volume One): A Speculative Fiction Celebration of Freedom

A Speculative Fiction Anthology from Seventh Star Press

Edited by: David J. Guyton and Stephen Zimmer

A struggle has always existed between those who wish to coerce others into following a certain way, and those who wish to liberate the full potential of the human being. It is the clash between those who wish to impose their will, feeling they know what is best for others, and those who wish to live and let live, as long as no fraud or violence is being done to another. To one side is a world filled with controls, barriers, and punishments, to conform individuals to an order determined by an elite few, and to the other is a world where all individuals pursue their dreams and interact with each other in an environment of mutual consent.

The hunger within the human spirit for freedom has been demonstrated all across history, in every age and land. Even in the darkest, most tyrannical of environments, the fires of liberty have ignited within the hearts of individuals, leading to some of the most inspiring and transformational events in history.

Fires of Liberty (Volume One) is an anthology that challenges authors to explore what freedom really means, and the unique value of the individual, within a speculative fiction environment.

The road is not an easy one, as the call to freedom calls a person to a path of self-determination, personal responsibility, and strength of character. It embodies risk, and often requires courage, and challenges everyone to tolerance of others, as a free society means that there will inevitably be those who will choose to live in ways, or embrace beliefs, that might be unpopular, or even offensive to a degree. Yet the rewards far outweigh the rougher edges, and the exceptions are not the rule, as the full capability of the human individual is unchained and set free to go as far as ambition, talent, willpower, and hard work will enable.

Fires of Liberty editors David Guyton and Stephen Zimmer invite you on a journey of celebration, exploration, and even self-discovery with the concept of freedom in an individualized sense. Stories should be from 2,000 to 10,000 words, and delivered in standard manuscript format (in RTF or Word files). They can be in any speculative fiction area such as Science Fiction, Fantasy, Steampunk, Urban Fantasy, or Alternate History/Historical Fiction.

We strongly encourage authors who have series, or who are developing series, to see this opportunity as a chance to write a prelude story, or prequel, to their larger franchise. Stories of this variety will receive special consideration for inclusion.

Do you have what it takes to answer the call?

The deadline for story submissions is June 1, 2013.

Send cover letter and story to the following email address:

Please feel free to email with any questions.

The anthology is planned for release in print and eBook formats in the Fall of 2013. A royalty pool will be generated on print and eBook sales, with the royalty pool divided equally among the contributors and editors. Royalties for print are 10% of gross receipts received by SSP on sales retail and wholesale up to 1,000 copies, with an increase to 12 1/2% for every copy thereafter. eBook royalties are set at 50% of gross receipts received by SSP for sales of the digital version. Royalty statements and payments will be made bi-annually. All contributors will receive a complimentary trade paperback copy of the anthology.

The agreement on accepted stories will be for first print and digital rights, with exclusivity for one year from date of publication. After this time, authors are free to re-sell their stories in other markets. The stories need to be original works, and no previously published characters or properties belonging to anyone other than the submitting author will be accepted.
