Bonnie Wasson

Bonnie Wasson was born in Dallas, Texas. From an early age, her mother’s love of science fiction and fantasy left an indelible mark on what would eventually become an intense love for all things nerd. Being exposed to the artistic beauty of animated Disney movies, the complex details of comic book heroes and the strange new worlds of Star Trek, Bonnie found that drawing fit her need for creative expression.

She graduated from college with a shiny BFA degree and is working in the print industry as a graphic designer. She has recently found a small niche in creating illustrations for book covers and interiors, as well as participating in art shows for science fiction and fantasy conventions.

Bonnie currently resides in Eugene, Oregon with her husband and her lovable (and sometimes diva) Labrador Retriever.

Browse through Bonnie’s covers and interiors that she created for Seventh Star Press titles!
