Tag Archives: Carson

CARSON, the New Thriller by Award-Winning Author Michael Houtchen, Now Available!

CARSON, the new thriller by award-winning author Michael Houtchen, is now available in print and eBook editions from Seventh StarShadow!

Thriller readers everywhere will love this exciting introduction of Carson, an assassin with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), who is the only hope for an eight-year-old girl taken captive by the men who murdered her mother. This novel is the first release in The Sicarii Series!

Direct links to purchase a copy of CARSON!

Print Edition


eBook Editions





Synopsis of Carson:

It has always been thought, people diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are born without emotions and feelings. They were a bit like Spock from Star Trek ̶ analytical and logical. To the world, it seems, they can’t love, and in turn, they can’t care for anyone. People with ASD make the best assassins.

Carolyn Johnston, the eight-year-old daughter of the recently deceased prostitute Freda Johnston, finds herself a captive of the men who murdered her mother. As fate would have it, her life now depends on an assassin with ASD.

His name is Carson.

About the Author:

I’ve been lucky to be with Seventh Star Press (SSP) for five years. Stephen and Holly are beautiful people, as are all the members of the SSP family. My first novel in the SSP franchise, Tybee Island H-Bomb, won the 2020 Imadjinn Award for the best thriller. Since then, we’ve come out with two sequels, Death of Innocence, and Phantom of the Circus.

My wife of thirty years next February, Stephanie, and I live in Owensboro, Kentucky. Owensboro is a small town on the Ohio River in the western part of the state. We have five kids and ten grandkids, with a new one on the way. I mustn’t forget Tony, our pound puppy. Okay, he weighs in at fifty pounds, so I wouldn’t necessarily call him a puppy. The point is, I don’t want to leave him out. The last time I did, he pouted for over a week.