Tag Archives: Dr. Vitesh Enaker

Announcing Launch of New Children’s Books Imprint Seventh StarChild with Dr. Vitesh Enaker’s New Series, Dr. Vic’s Books for Kids!

Seventh Star Press is proud to announce the launch of a new children’s books imprint, Seventh StarChild, with the release of The Girl who Grew a Sunflower Taller than Herself, the first title in Dr. Vitesh Enaker’s wonderful new series, Dr. Vic’s Books for Kids!

An announcement on the artist and formal release date in print and eBook editions will be made very soon.

About Dr. Vitesh “Victor” Enaker: Vitesh “Victor” Enaker is an author and stock options trader currently residing in Lexington, Kentucky. Dr. Enaker is a writer of adult fiction novellas and the first author to write children’s books for Seventh Star Press. He has previously lived in the cities of Danville and Mt. Sterling.

A proud member of the Big Blue Nation, Vitesh is a graduate of Transylvania University and he holds a masters and doctoral degree from the University of Kentucky.

He has also been published in the American Journal of Health Studies. He enjoys playing Texas hold’em poker and fishing in various locations around the Bluegrass.


Synopsis of The Girl who Grew a Sunflower Taller than Herself (A Sunflower Story):

Danielle “Danni” is a young girl who attends first grade and lives in a house with her mother.  During the summer her best friend and constant companion Shawn, who lives next door leaves for summer camp.

With no one to play with, Danni spends the majority of her time on her computer tablet.  Danni’s mother insists she do an outdoor activity, and Danni decides to grow sunflowers and make her first attempt at gardening.

Danni learns many wonderful lessons about nature and life along the way.  She discovers that she has much in common with her sunflowers, such as needing sunlight and someone who cares for her.