Tag Archives: Brittany Cummings

Finds Trees, Written and Illustrated by Brittany Cummings, Available Now in eBook and Print!

Finds Trees, written and illustrated by Brittany Cummings, is available today in print and eBook formats from Seventh StarChild! Finds Trees is the first book of The Dark Cloud Series and brings children a story about the ecosystem, perseverance, and the idea that it is okay to ask questions!

With full-color illustrations, larger text, and an 11″ by 8.5″ page format, Finds Trees is a great new book for younger readers of approximately 4-6 years of age! Be sure to pick up a print or eBook copy today at the direct links just below the cover art!

Print Edition


Barnes and Noble


eBook Editions



Kobo (Available Shortly)


Synopsis of Finds Trees

Finds Trees is a story about a dark cloud who knows that he has rain to give trees a drink of water, but he realizes he does not know what trees look like.

Go with him on his journey to find the trees as he asks others for help.

This book teaches children about the ecosystem, perseverance, and that it is okay to ask for help.

Finds Trees is the first book in The Dark Cloud Series, written and illustrated by Brittany Cummings!


About Brittany Cummings:

My name is Brittany. Born and raised in East Tennessee. I’m a Jesus-follower, family loving, football and hockey fan.I worked as a veterinary technician while I finished my psychology and English degrees from the University of Tennessee. I then worked as a counselor for children with mental health issues. Now, I have the best “job” in the world: stay-at-home-mom.

My story telling began with stories for my son’s bedtime. My husband encouraged me to get my stories published, and so my journey began.
We are blessed with an extraordinary son, three dogs, and a fish. We have an amazing extended family who love and care for us dearly.

My hobbies include baking with my son, scrapbooking, reading, watching movies, and going on family walks.

God has given me so much, and I’m excited to see what other plans He has for me.
