Tag Archives: Marathonarium Anthology

Cover Reveal for the Marathonarium Anthology, Volume One, Edited By Sandy Lender!

Cover reveal today for the Marathonarium Anthology, a special anthology presented by the Imaginarium Convention and edited by Sandy Lender, that features nine fantastic authors who took part in a special writing workshop hosted last year! The Marathonarium Anthology will be available in print and ebook editions on June 22nd!

The cover for the Marathonarium Anthology was designed by Olivia Pro Design!

Synopsis of the Marathonarium Anthology, Volume One:

Welcome to the Marathonarium Anthology of short stories! This set of fiction and the experience collecting it encapsulates the spirit of the Imaginarium Convention, an event for writers, storytellers, and creatives of all genres held in Louisville, Kentucky each year!

You have before you the creative fortitude of nine determined storytellers who not only plunged into the madness that is marathon writing for three solid hours, but who also stepped outside of their comfort zones to hand over their unedited and hastily crafted works to be read by a stranger.

What began as a workshop to help authors complete a story for publication while producing a compendium to celebrate the ten-year anniversary of the Imaginarium Convention turned into a family of nine creative minds pushing themselves to the limit!

In the end, the writers accomplished something spectacular.

I mean, have you ever written a four-thousand-word story with beginning, middle, and end in three hours? And then have you turned that mass of words over to an editor for her review and suggestions?

 It’s downright frightening. But the authors you’re about to meet (or meet again) in the following pages did that exact thing and lived to tell the tale…

The nine authors spotlighted in Volume 1 in the order that their stories are presented in the book are:

W. Jade Young

Brian T. Ronk

Alisa Childress

Jeannene Walker

Jen Selinsky

Lisa Mildon

Clayton Barnett

Carma Haley Shoemaker

Tom Ukinski

About the Editor:

Sandy Lender is a construction magazine editor by day and author of girl-power fantasy novels by night. You can follow her author page on Amazon, check out her randomly updated website at SandyLenderInk.com, or join her Locals reading & writing community at SandySaysRead.locals.com. She lives in Florida where she helps with sea turtle conservation and parrot rescue.

With a four-year degree in English and 30-year career in publishing, Sandy’s successes include traditionally and self-published novels, hundreds of magazine articles, multiple short stories in competitive anthologies, a handful of technical writing awards, and a handful of creative writing awards and nominations. Sandy’s been writing stories since she was knee-high to a grasshopper when her great-grandmother shared her odd little tales of squeaky ghost-spiders around an apartment complex in Southern Illinois. The stories have developed to include strong young ladies working with dragons to save worlds from terrible fates, but those pesky spiders still show up from time to time.

There’s always something brewing at Sandy Lender Ink headquarters where some days, you just want the dragon to win.